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Monday, April 18, 2016

LGBT/Transgender Bathroom Privileges: Opinion

First off, a Bathroom Is Just A Bathroom right? It's the place where you get rid of those extra cups of coffee, or that bad decision to have Gas Station Sushi, or the Taco Bell Breakfast that has your stomach rolling.

Well it used to be just that simple but not now days. California (and other states soon to follow) has passed a law that allows people to use whatever bathroom they feel serves their gender issues, and in school, whichever locker room they want or feel associated with.  Now Target Supermarkets have followed suit.

 Recently President Obama has issued a bribe to all public schools to let kids use whatever bathroom they want or vital funding will be with held. I believe it's a dangerous start to something that has the potential to go very bad. Perhaps not,  but when you are dealing with human nature and hormones, it's never an easy road.

It would be nice if Humans were evolved enough as a species to where we could poo in peace next to our fellow humans Male, Female, or somewhere in between without a second thought, but we're not. Not by a long shot.

Such laws will open the door to those who would take advantage of it and cause great harm. Face it, men are pigs and perverted men are dangerous pigs. Many cannot control their hormones, especially teenage boys who are drooling over the thought of using the same locker room as the girls. 
Sex offenders are probably happy that they can now walk in a public bathroom  and whip it out to pee in front of your daughter, or in the stall next to them. 

Law or no Law if a full grown man puts on a dress and walks in the bathroom just so he can pee with my tween daughter, he's getting tossed out on his ear plain and simple. Like I said, we're not evolved to that place yet and forcing the issue on everyone is just asking for trouble.

Even if she feels like a man, a woman who walks into a men's bathroom with breasts and a vagina is courting danger from these dangerous pigs. 
Once upon a time I knew a slim built girl who would wear baggy clothes, put on a ball cap and look enough like a boy to go in men's bathrooms just for the thrill of it - till she got caught and almost raped. 

Of course the unisex bathrooms designed for one person at a time like a lot of small gas stations have, eliminates the problem altogether, but think of the long lines at ball games!
Of course, a 3rd bathroom alongside of the traditional Male/Female bathrooms would be the ultimate solution for "Anything Goes"

Granted there are some men who could pee next to a strange woman at a urinal without a second thought and oh wait...women can't stand up to pee!!! Ah, but they can. Introducing the P-EZ (pee ease) so girls can pee standing up too!! Whooo Hooo!

It's a noble concept: Humans comfortable with their own sexuality and bodies, and having reached the point to where a Bathroom Is Just A Bathroom to get rid of unwanted waste regardless of who's excreting next to us. Changing clothes in a gym locker room, guys and gals together with only pure thought running through their minds is a nice idea, but we're a long way from there. And I strongly believe that the whole issue should be kept out of the schools at this time. 
Teens have enough to deal with sorting out their raging hormones and emotions without having an added temptation thrown in the mix to satisfy a political agenda.

The LGBT movement feels they need to protest their rights and agendas and that is what's great about America. You can do that. You can protest till you're Blue In The Face and then protest for the rights of Blue Faced People. 

But if it were me, I'd pick a more noble way to express my self than where I'm going to poop and pee next. 
Human nature being what it is, the risk is seriously too great at this point in time. If it were me, I'd rather not force an issue that might put some people at risk only to satisfy my own agenda. 

Perhaps someday A Bathroom Will Just Be A Bathroom but today is not that day.

1 comment:

  1. nnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
